This three-day workshop is designed for health care professionals seeking to refresh or obtain phlebotomy skills that will allow them to draw blood as an added skill within their health care profession. This workshop is intended to add additional work skill to CNA's, PCT', LPN'S, RN's who worked as Phlebotomist or have completed a certified Phlebotomy Program and is seeking certification. This workshop combines Phlebotomy theory and practical hands-on training. The practical portion includes a simulation by drawing venipunctures from a mannequin. The practical portion includes 2 venipunctures on your classmates (one vacutainer and one butterfly) under supervision of a Certified Phlebotomist. Students are required to sign a phlebotomy waiver before performing venipuncture. It is recommended that students receive Hepatitis B immunization before taking blood on a human.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app